Playmobil 71260 Dino Rise Spinosaurus
This is the Playmobil 71260 Dino Rise Spinosaurus! This set, like the T-Rex, showcases a Spinosaurus fully loaded with a ballista, saddles and weapons.

Playmobil included two main characters from the animated youtube series, Samu and Ayla. In addition to these two there is a bald guy that is not named.

Above you can see the Spinosaurus features, alongside with the boxes of the other sets that were released in the year 2023 with this playmobil set. The spinosaurus has cameo colors, a lot of plants to merge with the environment better and a saddle to carry a playmobil character.

Above you can see all the accessories you get with this Playmobil 71260 Dino Rise Spinosaurus set. A bow with arrows, a barrel, a basket and other items.