Playmobil 70224 Novelmore Water Ballista

posted by Playmobil Bello - January 19, 2025

This is Playmobil 70224 Novelmore Water Ballista. A large crossbow that shoots several projectiles of water. These water balls then put out any fire started by the Novelmore enemies (Burnham Raiders).

Above you can see the Playmobil 70224 Novelmore box art showcasing the ballista and the two characters that come within: The blacksmith Norman and Bruce the Novelmore Knight.

Above you can watch the video review of the Playmobil 70224 Novelmore Water Ballista. A fully detailed Playmobil review by @PlaymoBello on YouTube!

Above you can see all the accessories you get with this set, including a few tools to work on the Ballista and fix any issues or broken parts. The projectiles can an iron ball or water ball.

Playmobil 70225 Novelmore Wolf Team

posted by Playmobil Bello - January 19, 2025

This is the Playmobil 70225 Novelmore Wolf Team with a mobile Canon. The five wolves of Novelmore can drag this large canon structure to a strategic place and shoot the enemies with Ice or Water.

Above you can see the Playmobil box for this set 70225 showcasing the Novelmore canon and two new characters: Gwynn and Will.

Above you can watch the video review of the Playmobil 70225 Novelmore Wolf Team with Canon. A fully detailed Playmobil review by @PlaymoBello on YouTube!

Above you can see all the accessories you get with this set. A total of five Novelmore wolves, a large canon structure with a chair in front to drive the vehicle, two characters and weapons.

Playmobil 9835 Captain and 9836 Knights

posted by Playmobil Bello - January 17, 2025

This is the Playmobil 9835 Add-on Novelmore Captain, a single character that comes inside a plastic bag, no boxes or anything. This set numbered 9835 has the accessories shown below.

Every playmobil Knights set has a set of Add-on’s that are released alongside with the boxes, this is so playmobil fans can buy them and add to their castles and sets.

Above you can watch the video review of the Playmobil 9835 and 9836 Novelmore Add-ons. A fully detailed Playmobil review by @PlaymoBello on YouTube!

Above is the Playmobil 9836 Novelmore knights add-on. This is an addition to the Add-on shown above, you get a Captain and these three knights.

Playmobil 70391 Novelmore Mobile Fortress

posted by Playmobil Bello - January 17, 2025

This is a set that returns to Playmobil knights, it was first introduced with the Dragon Knights from 2009. This is Playmobil 70391 Novelmore Mobile Fortress.

This set is a large fortress with a catapult in the middle of it and a space for Novelmore Knights to stand at the top. This set comes with two new characters: McGriffin and Bolt.

Above you can watch the video review of the Playmobil 70391 Novelmore Mobile Fortress. A fully detailed Playmobil review by @PlaymoBello on YouTube!

Above you can see all the accessories you get with this Playmobil Novelmore set 70391 the Mobile Fortress. You can see it comes with a barrel and two large boulders to throw using the catapult.

Playmobil 70394 Lava Catapult Canon

posted by Playmobil Bello - January 17, 2025

This is the Playmobil 70394 Burnham Raiders Lava Catapult – or in my opinion the Lava Cannon! I mean look at it, it is not a catapult, it is a large cannon that shoots a fire ball!

This playmobil Burnham Raiders set comes with two new characters: Emberpatch and Lavalash – their images are shown above in the front of the box.

Above you can watch the video review of the Playmobil 70394 Burnham Raiders Lava Canon. A fully detailed Playmobil review by @PlaymoBello on YouTube!

Above you can see all the accessories you get with this Playmobil Burnham Raiders set 70394 from Novelmore. On the side you can also see the other playmobil sets available for the same collection.

Playmobil 70187 Novelmore Advent Calendar

posted by Playmobil Bello - January 16, 2025

This is one awesome Advent Calendar from Novelmore. Playmobil 70187 Novelmore Advent Calendar from the year 2020. This box is supposed to be opened in the month of December as a countdown for Xmas.

This playmobil set has three main characters, one Burnham Raider one from the Novelmore knights and one mage from Violet Vale.

Above you can watch the video review of the Playmobil 70187 Novelmore Advent Calendar. A fully detailed Playmobil review by @PlaymoBello on YouTube!

Above you can see all the accessories you get with this Playmobil Advent Calendar, including the cardboard background and if you look at the top right, the box showcasing all the little cardboard doors for each day of the month of December.

Playmobil 71024 Sal’ahari Sands Novelmore

posted by Playmobil Bello - January 22, 2022

Look at what Mr. Juan Esteban posted on his twitter! Pages of the German July 2022 catalog! There are a total of six new sets for Novelmore, featuring the Sal’ahari sands with more skeleton knights.

Playmobil Sal’ahari sands set 71024 – Scorpion Rider with Temple.
Playmobil Sal’ahari sands set 71025 – Skeleton Oliphant.
Playmobil Sal’ahari sands set 71026 – Dune cart with Knight
Playmobil Sal’ahari sands set 71027 – Skeleton Attack Tower

Above you can see what seems to be a glorious Sand Ship! Playmobil Sal’ahari Sands set 71023, Novelmore sand ship. Right under that large box you can also see the Playmobil set 71028, Sal’ahari sands Arwynn’s Camel.

Playmobil 70903 Novelmore Magician’s Wagon

posted by Playmobil Bello - December 8, 2021

Here it is, the Magician’s Traveling Wagon from Violet Vale Novelmore! The box doesn’t mention Violet vale, but you can tell it is or should be classified as one since it is a purple box art.

Below you can watch the full video review of this glorious Violet Vale set 70903 straight from my youtube channel @ PlaymoBello.

A new character is introduced here: Armathor, a Magician with a large staff and this wagon. He carries food, gold coins and gems in this wagon. This set should be out in the market on March 2022.

Above you can see all the accessories that comes with this wagon and there are a ton! Gold coins, weapons, fully armored horses, potion making tools and other items.

Playmobil 70904 Burnham Dragon, Novelmore

posted by Playmobil Bello - December 8, 2021

Here is another set for Novelmore fans, the Kaboom Fiery Dragon, playmobil set 70904 from the Burnham Raiders collection. A brand new dragon design with cool looking fire bolts on his wings.

Below you can watch my video review of the playmobil set 70904 Burnham Raiders Fiery Dragon!

Kaboom is riding the dragon on the box art. This set comes with two Burham Raiders: Kaboom and Tyragon and two Novelmore Knights: Bolt and Lady Gwynn. Awesome new set by Playmobil!

Above you can see the back of the box with all the other available Novelmore sets and a huge artwork of the castles and knights fighting each other.

Above you can visualize all the accessories, there aren’t many, but you do get an absolutely awesome orange and black dragon with four characters. Playmobil Novelmor set 70904 is now one of the coolest Burnham sets out there.

Playmobil 70870 Novelmore Attack Tower

posted by Playmobil Bello - November 28, 2021

Playmobil just announced a new Novelmore set 70870, the Attack Tower. This set seems to bring back the vintage attack tower from the 90’s with a cool wall extension that can probably connect to the Grand Novelmore Castle.

This set also brings four new characters and a small blue dragon, totaling 149 pieces, covering both Burnham Raiders and Novelmore soldiers.

Above you can see all the accessories from this playmobil novelmore set, from a photo of the German playmobil box. This set is already available in Europe and should arrive in the USA in 2022.

Playmobil 70778 Novelmore Advent Calendar

posted by Playmobil Bello - September 2, 2021

This is the Novelmore Playmobil set 70778 Advent Calendar, or as known in german: “Adventskalender”. This is a special set that is opened a little bit each day of the month of December, all the way from Day 1 to the 24th when Christmas arrives.

Each door you open will have a Date on them (1-24), and each day, you get a specific playmobil item, slowly building a cool looking set, having it completed on Christmas day to be played with.

Above you can watch PlaymoBello’s Review of the playmobil set 70778, Novelmore Advent Calendar.

Above you can view all the accessories and wall you will get from this Advent Calendar, for each day of December all the way to Christmas.

Playmobil 70752 Surprise Box, Sal’ahari Sands

posted by Playmobil Bello - July 2, 2021

This is one epic set released by Playmobil, set 70752 Skeleton Surprise Box, Sal’ahari Sands (Series 1). This set is filled with little plastic sands that can be used with the Sal’ahari Sands Temple.

If you buy 12 of these, you end up with a mountain of sand! There is so much sand in these skull boxes you won’t believe it!

Watch the review above of the playmobil set 70752, the Sal’ahari Sands skeleton surprize box. PlaymoBello opens 12x of them, revealing several unique and awesome looking Sal’ahari Skeletons.

Above you can view the official rooster of skeleton warriors you can get with the surprise box. Unfortunately there is no way to “feel” the box to predict what character you will get. This set is entirely by chance and luck.

Playmobil 70751 Sal’ahari Sands Temple

posted by Playmobil Bello - July 2, 2021

This set introduces a whole new Sand Temple to the world of Novelmore. With it, three new characters, Sul’thamath, Andowan and Dmagus. The first character is a powerful Necromancer who can raise an army of skeletons!

The temple is structured by white pillars made out of skulls and green flames. The coolest thing about this set is that every character can have their eyes glowing, by just charging it inside the Sal’ahari Sands Temple.

Above is a video review of the playmobil set 70751, Sal’ahari Sands Temple, from Novelmore Violet Vale.

Here are all the accessories from the playmobil set 70751 Sal’ahari Sands Temple, including all three new characters and some spiders.

Above you can see the back of the playmobil box, showcasing some of the functions of the Sal’ahari Sand Temple.

Novelmore 70749 Air Magician, Violet Vale

posted by Playmobil Bello - July 2, 2021

This set features the Air Magician: Astrathor. He holds green bolts and one hell of an awesome staff. His airplane is propeled by magic, some sort of purple fire turbine.

Yet another great set by Playmobil designers, releasing unique and fun Novelmore themes for a third consecutive year.

Watch the full review of the playmobil set 70749, Air Magician from Violet Vale. Youtuber Playmobello has reviewed all the Novelmore sets, including Violet Vale.

Above is the complete set of accessories that comes with this set 70749, a cool looking staff, green lightning bolt, the epic airplane and Astrathor, the Air Magician from Violet Vale.

Playmobil 70748 Demon Patrol, Violet Vale

posted by Playmobil Bello - July 2, 2021

This set looks intriguing, a mixture of the wolven canon carriage from Novelmore, just missing the horses! Playmobil set 70748 introduces two new characters: Flamathor and Demonthella, as well as another little demon creature.

The main question here is, what is “Violet Vale”? A knight faction? A kingdom of Novelmore? Are they fighting for the good or bad? Playmobil has released several animated episodes on Youtube that can answer those questions.

Above you can watch the full review of the playmobil set 70748 Demon Patrol, Violet Vale, by PlaymoBello on Youtube.

Above you can see all the accessories from the playmobil set 70748 demon patrol, violet vale. The wagon, two new characters and a little demon.

Novelmore 70747 Plant Magician, Violet Vale

posted by Playmobil Bello - July 2, 2021

This set comes in a smaller box, with a rocky formation, plants and a skull on top of it. The new Violet Vale playmobil character look like a Druid Voodoo to me – his name is Vegithor, the Plant Magician!

Vegithor may have great magical powers. I guess you will have to watch the original Novelmore animated series to learn more. Next you can watch PlaymoBello’s Youtube review of the Pant Magician set 70747.

Below you can visualize all the accessories that comes with this Violet Vale set 70747, Plant Magician.

Violet Vale is one of the most unique and great looking knight sets released by Playmobil in the recent years. Novelmore is a fantastic world to play with!

Playmobil 70746 Demon Lair, Violet Vale

posted by Playmobil Bello - July 2, 2021

This playmobil set 70746 brings forth the Demon’s Lair, with two knights: Umbrathor and Vermithor, both Violet Vale’s warriors. If you look at the left side of the box, there is a strange little demonic creature that jumps out of a coffin.

Below you can watch the full playmobil review of the Violet Vale set 70746 Demon’s Lair from Novelmore.

This demon looks very unique and well designed, a mixture of a Dragon with strong humanoid features.

Above you can view all the accessories that comes with this set 70746, and there are a ton of it!

Playmobil 70745 Wizard Tower, Violet Vale

posted by Playmobil Bello - July 2, 2021

This is yet another unique Novelmore set designed by Playmobil, Violet Vale, the Wizard’s Tower. This set comes with three new characters. The entryway reminds me of a Hobbit hole, with a round doorway, the rest looks a little elvish. Definitely eye catching and shoots up anyone’s imagination.

This seems to be the main building of the Violet Vale wizards, where they gather to defend themselves from the Sa’ahari Sands Skeleton Knights.

Above you can watch the full review of the Playmobil set 70745 Violet Vale Wizard’s Tower by PlaymoBello on Youtube.

Above you can view all the accessories that comes with this set 70745, including the three brand new Playmobil characters.

New Novelmore Sets on the Horizon

posted by Playmobil Bello - June 15, 2021

There are two new Novelmore sets on the horizon, 70538 and 70539. They have been released in Europe, but not in the USA. These sets are making us Playmobil fans, worried as it has been a while since the release in Europe.

70538 Novelmore Defense Squad

Here is Playmobil Novelmore Defense Squad, set number 70538, released in the year 2020 and discontinued (it seems?) in 2021.

This set 70538 has a brand new character, Taylinn, she seems to be some sort of Bow-Lady, with an awesome ballista that shoots a hook with a rope attached to it, for castle invasions, and Norman reappears in this set, with different accessories, as well as a defense wooden wall.

70539 Burnham Raiders Fire Ruin

Here is Playmobil set 70539, Burnham Raiders Fire Ruin, also released in Europe in the year 2020 and discontinued in 2021. A large set with 139 pieces, introducing a half wizard tower, just like back in 1995 when Playmobil released some of their first vintage Knight sets.

This awesome tower shows some aging from battles and time, comes with four characters: Francis, Shiko, Flinton and Lucifex. Set 70539 also has several accessories, like a large beer keg, cannon, treasure chest, and cool looking staves (look at the doorway).

A Playmobil Conclusion

Here we are, hoping to definitely see these two sets 70538 and 70539 in the site in the near future, so we can pay a nice retail price, instead of over infatuated eBay rates from European sellers!

Novelmore 70745 – Violet Vale Wizard Tower

posted by Playmobil Bello - June 4, 2021

This is yet another unique set designed by Playmobil, the Wizard’s Tower, with three new characters. The entryway reminds me of a Hobbit hole, with a round doorway, the rest of the Tower design looks a little elvish. Definitely eye catching and shoots up anyone’s imagination.

This seems to be the main building of the Violet Vale, where the Wizards gather and defend themselves from the Sa’ahari Sands Knights – a army of skeletons from the desert?

Novelmore 70746 – Violet Vale Demon Lair

This seems to be the lair (or tower) of the Demon – so far unamed – with his knight Umbrathor and a Violet Vale dwarven knight called Vermithor. Included in this set is a strange looking creature (look to the left of the box).

Also note two flying platforms, what are they? Maybe a breakeable floor?

This demon looks very unique and well designed, a mixture of a Dragon with strong humanoid features. Possibly the villain of this new line of Novelmore sets. Here is hoping for new epic episodes of Novelmore Animation!

Novelmore 70747 – Violet Vale Plant Magician

This set comes in a smaller box, with a rocky formation with plants and a skull on top of it, sounds like Druid Voodoo to me – his name is Vegithor, the Plant Magician! He carries one epic unique fancy staff.

Vegithor looks like a Druid, with magical forest powers, but as of today, everything is just a guess. Playmobil hasn’t released much information about the Violet Vale Novelmore sets.

Novelmore 70748 – Violet Vale Demon Patrol

This set looks intriguing, a mixture of the wolven canon carriage from Novelmore Knights set, yet this faction seems to use green and purple to represent their kingdom. Who are they? Violet Vale? It introduces two characters, Flamathor and Demonthella, as well as some form of creature (left side of the box art).

The main question here is, what is “Violet Vale”? A knight faction? A kingdom of Novelmore? Are they fighting for the good or bad?

Novelmore 70749 – Violet Vale Air Magician

This set features the Air Magician Astrathor, so far that is all we know about him and his airplane. He holds green bolts and one hell of an awesome staff.

Judging by the colors of the flames from the rear of his airplane, I would risk saying he belongs to, or is allied to the Novelmore Knights. But as of now it is only a guess.

Novelmore 70751 – Sa’ahari Sands Temple

This set absolutely introduces a whole new structure to the world of Playmobil. With it, three new characters, Sul’thamath, Andowan and Dmagus, probably some sort of Necromancers who raise skeleton armies? Who knows!

The temple is structured by white pillars made out of skulls and green fires everywhere. We also get two brand new staves, with different designs.

Playmobil 70538 Novelmore Defense Squad

posted by Playmobil Bello - December 2, 2020

Here is the Playmobil set 70538 Novelmore Defense Squad, exclusively released in Europe in the year 2020 and discontinued (it seems?) in 2021.

This set 70538 has a brand new Novelmore character: Taylinn. She seems to be some sort of Bow-Lady, with an awesome ballista that shoots a hook with a rope attached to it.

Then we have Norman, a Novelmore Captain that reappears in this set, with different accessories as well as a defense wooden wall.

Above you can see the back of the box, showcasing all the accessories from the Playmobil set 70538. The main items to note are the wooden barrier and ballista. This set has not been released in the US, and as of today remains exclusive to Europe. Your only option here is eBay.

Playmobil 70539 Burnham Raiders Fire Ruin

posted by Playmobil Bello - July 2, 2020

Here is Playmobil Novelmore set 70539, Burnham Raiders Flaming Ruin, released exclusively in Europe in the year 2020 and discontinued in 2021. This is a large set with 139 pieces, introducing a half wizard flaming tower, just like back in 1995 when Playmobil released some of their first vintage Knight sets.

This awesome tower shows some aging from battles and time, comes with four characters: Francis, Shiko (New), Flinton and Lucifex.

Above you can watch the complete review of the exclusive playmobil set 70539, Burnham Raiders, Flaming Ruins.

This Novelmore set 70539 comes with a ton of accessories, like a large beer keg, cannon, treasure chest, and cool looking staves! A total of four characters!

Contact Us

posted by Playmobil Bello - May 24, 2020

I don’t mind encouraging messages, or suggestions on how to make this Playmobil website better. Fire it away!

Playmobil Mail Carrier, set 9806

Here at we care about your opinion, ideas and requests. Feel free to drop us a line at: fernando (at) with any concerns!

Or if you don’t mind sharing your words in public, drop a comment below. You can register or just type a name and email to write something quickly.

Playmobil 70220 Grand Castle of Novelmore

posted by Playmobil Bello - December 2, 2019

This is one of the most awesome and intricated Castles ever made by Playmobil. Titled as: “Grand Novelmore Castle” set 70220 released in 2019.

This set is filled with accessories, so many that you can furnish and decorate all the rooms within. The rooster of characters is great as well, Arwynn, Dario Davinci, John and Francis.

Watch the most awesome castle ever released by Playmobil, reviewed entirely by PlaymoBello on Youtube – video shown above! Enjoy!

Above you can view a picture of the back of the Grand Novelmore Castle, showcasing all the accessories and new characters.

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