Ayuma laymobil set 70799 is the largest box from the ayuma sets of the year 2021. The community tree, with four levels of rooms and playgrounds, is used as a shared housing between all the fairies.
This set comes with three characters, all from the playmobil Youtube animated series, and each character also has a spirit animal. Besides that, the tree is just awesome! If only the door and rooftops were red or purple. The pink leaves a little bit of a “barbie” design to it.
This set has a ton of accessories, just look at the image above. There are beds, pillows, baskets, food, shields etc. Only missing weapons!
Playmobil is about to release a new unique set called: “Adventures of Ayuma” consisting of eight boxes numbered from 70799 to 70806! This set is scheduled to be released (officially) in October of 2021.
Set 70799 introduces the main Tree of this whole set, where the village of Fairies live: The Community Tree. From the Playmobil Theme: “Adventures of Ayuma”.
Introducing the theme “Adventures from Ayuma”, here it is the Energy Fountain from Playmobil set 70800. Includes three Crystal Fairies with a Blue Winged Unicorn.
This is the Tree of Knowledge! With a Crystal Fairy and her spirit animal, the Fox! This is Playmobil set 70801.
This is set 70805, the Training Encampment. Featuring two Crystal Fairies with two spirit animals – the Bear and the Blue Parrot.
Behold the Crystal and Bat failries, with their animal spirits. This is Playmobil set 70803 from the theme “Adventures of Ayuma”.
This is the Waterdrop House, with a Fairy and her spirit animal (an owl). The house was built of a waterdrop. Not much space but yet as cozy as it can be! This is playmobil set 70804.
And last but not least, the Crystal Fairy with her spirit animal, the Deer, as of Playmobil set 70806.